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  • Ferrets commonly develop skin diseases, including infections with parasites (fleas, mites, ticks), bacteria, viruses (distemper), and fungus (ringworm). They are also subject to both benign and malignant tumors, including mast cell tumors. Adrenal tumors also cause hair loss and itchy skin in ferrets. All skin problems should be brought to the attention of your veterinarian, who will recommend the most appropriate treatment for the specific problem.

  • The most common skin problem in mini-pigs is dry skin that results from a dietary deficiency of fatty acids. In addition to dry skin, mini-pigs commonly suffer from sarcoptic mange, parakeratosis, yeast dermatitis, and sunburn. Hooves of mini-pigs grow continuously throughout life and need to be trimmed periodically. The canine teeth (tusks) of male pigs grow throughout life, while those of female pigs stop growing at about two years of age. Starting after the pig is about a year of age, your veterinarian will trim tusks during an examination.

  • Skunks spray volatile compounds from their anal sacs if they feel threatened by a potential predator such as a dog. If sprayed in the face your dog may need veterinary care, as corneal damage can occur if sprayed in the eyes, and vomiting, diarrhea, or anemia can result if sprayed in the mouth.

  • Slippery elm is given by mouth and is used over the counter to treat cough and stomach upset. Give as directed by your veterinarian. There are no known side effects. Do not use in pets that are allergic, pregnant, or nursing. If a negative reaction occurs, please call your veterinary office.

  • Smoke inhalation injuries are caused by a combination of heat and airborne toxins. Clinical signs of smoke inhalation vary, depending on the materials contained within the smoke and how much smoke the cat inhales. Common signs include coughing, shortness of breath, eye injuries, and burns. Neurologic signs can also occur, especially in cases of carbon monoxide inhalation. Treatment typically involves oxygen therapy and other supportive care measures.

  • Smoke inhalation injuries are caused by a combination of heat and airborne toxins. Clinical signs of smoke inhalation vary, depending on the materials contained within the smoke and how much smoke the dog inhales. Common signs include coughing, shortness of breath, eye injuries, and burns. Neurologic signs can also occur, especially in cases of carbon monoxide inhalation. Treatment typically involves oxygen therapy and other supportive care measures.

  • The most common venomous snakes in North America include rattlesnakes, copperheads, cottonmouths, and coral snakes. The clinical signs associated with a venomous snakebite vary based on the species of snake. Generally, there is extensive swelling that often spreads rapidly. Venomous snakebites are medical emergencies requiring immediate attention. Copperhead, cottonmouth, and coral snake envenomization cases have a better prognosis for complete recovery than rattlesnake bites.

  • Dogs, like people, need to practice their social skills. Spending time with other dogs will help your dog hone his ability to read his friends’ body language and to communicate effectively. These skills decrease the development of dog related fear and aggression. Play groups in an organized or more relaxed setting are beneficial for both your growing puppy and adult dog. Canine and human socialization occur simultaneously and dog owners enjoy meeting new friends, too. Watching dogs play is a great way to reduce your stress level. Socializing should be pleasant for you and your dog, so find a comfortable group and setting and have fun!

  • Puppy Behavior and Training: Socialization and Fear Prevention

    La socialización es un proceso durante el cual el cachorro aprende sobre sí mismo, sobre su especie y sobre otras especies con las que convivirá. Otro concepto importante relacionado con el desarrollo del cachorro es la habituación.

  • Socialization is the process during which the kitten becomes familiar with people, other animals, and many aspects of their environment. Kittens are primed for socialization when they are between two and seven weeks old. As soon as kittens have settled into their new home, they can begin gentle exposures to a wide range of stimuli that they may encounter as adults.